Sunday, 8 July 2018

Ground Water level in India : A danger to the World

Water is a essential thing for life. For survival water is very important. We all are aware of pollution. Pollution is like a curse and increasing day by day. This time if you think that you are drinking ground water, you are drinking well then my friend you are wrong. Now even ground water is no more fit for drinking. Well we discover RO and many other method to purify water make it fit for drinking.There are too many cities in India that actually suffering this problem but here we have even more big issue.

Imagine your life without water. Polluted water may be cleaned once and can be make fit for drinking but no Ground water have no solution. According to a report till 2020, there are 21 Indian cities in which there will be no more Ground water. Yes, it sound odd but in next 2 years we are going to face it. Along with this there is one more report claimed that about 200,000 people of India are dying every year due to lack of safe water. It's a huge amount of people and even  no one is focusing on this topic. According to the report of "Composite Water Management Index" released on June 14, 2018 insured that there will be even more worse condition in future. On seeing the growth of population, demand of water will be going to increase and till 2050, 40%  of people will not get water. 

40 % of people will not get water 

As we says Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad total 21 Indian cities are in danger zone by which 100 million people have to suffer. Economic survey on June 6, 2018 accepted that India are in danger of low Ground water level. According to the report of Times of India between 2002-2016 Indian water level goes down to 15-20 cm every year. About 70% water is polluted now and India is on 120th position among 122 countries in a list of better water quality. In 1951, the per capita water availablity was about 5177 cube meter but now this is reduced to 1545 cube meter in 2011.

Reason behind water scarcity 

  • Being the top growers of agriculture. India consumed a lot of water. 
  • Rapid construction and urbanisation needs a lot of water and this need be a cause of high wastege of water 
  • Lack of efficient water management and distribution of water at urban areas. 


  • The traditional flush dispenses around six letres of water per flush. A sim ple addition of 'water free' male urinal can solve this and save about 25,000 litres of water per year per home. This must be made mandatory by law 
  • The amount of water wasted during dish washing at home is significant. We need to upgrade our washing method 
  • Every independent home/flat must have fascility of rain water harvesting 

This is the time to wake up and fight against this crisis. As it's our problem and we have to solve this as we have to no more time to ignore. Let's work on it...


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