Sunday, 8 July 2018


Image result for ARE YOU 18
Age between 18-25 is the age when your beliefs, your dreams, your reality is challenged. This is the age when talent becomes 2nd priority, society's wills being the 1st !
here are some facts that you should know ;-

1-Its not about you, its never been !
  you might have been most loved person in your home ; school. You might have been centre of your own universe all those 18 years, but now,you are a part of bigger universe , there are thing bigger than you, important than you. you are never going to do what you wanted !

2-Past is past !
  there are thing that you have done in past good or bad, they are never gonna tell what you are , they'll always tell what you were ! you will always find people telling their achievements in schools but thtat doesnt count if you fail at your current work ! you cand ride on same bus for a long long destination, catch the 2nd bus !

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3-Work on or leave, dont be a 'mediocre' !
   if you dont work on your strengths and things you have been so passionate about, you will slowlu loose the edge you've had for so long. someone somewhere is upping their game, what about you?

4-MATURITY isnt a word , its a habit & you have to learn it !
  you wont be mature by partying, smoking, bike riding,having girlfriends/boyfriends, being a rebel. You become mature by going outbof your comfort zone, and absorbing whatever comes in your way.

5-Take risks, Be different !
   taking risks will plummet you to the path of the unconventinal. Everyone doing every tried-and-tested thing is apart of the crowd.Be different, be bold, be couregeous enough to go higher than your level.

6-Value TIME, Value relations !
  use these years wisely in figuring out & doing what you are doing, but remember to give time to your relationsa as well. not equal perhaps but at least let your presence be reason for someone's happiness.
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   Find things that you would like to see yourself doing in next 40-50 years & be commited about it. decide where you want to reach & "put your all into it".
 btw being commited in relationships isnt a a bad thing......

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